Dr Daniel Ghezelbash is an Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at UNSW Law & Justice. His research interests include international and comparative refugee and migration law, administrative law and judicial analytics. He is an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow, leading a project examining fast-track asylum policies, and whether it is possible to design procedures which are both fair and efficient. He has also published widely on the way restrictive asylum policies have spread around the world. This is the topic of his book, Refuge Lost: Asylum Law in an Interdependent World (Cambridge University Press, 2018).  

Daniel is passionate about using technology to increase access to justice and to counter potential discrimination and bias in the legal system. He has been involved in establishing a number of initiatives using technology to increase access to justice, including Wallumatta Legal and Tech4Justice. He is also leads the Kaldor Centre Data Lab which collects, publishes and analyses statistics on decision-making in refugee cases in Australian courts and tribunals.

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